Monday, July 21, 2014

Fly-by Update

Oof!  So much for posting at least once a week... I'll get the swing of this eventually.

Freefall was excellent.  Have some pictures!  Everything went down smoothly and with minimal drama (well, out of game, at least ;) ), so I think we may have even convinced the event organizer to keep it going for yet another year.

The fiancee is using up his vacation time, so last week and this week are like a giant weekend... which means a lot of much-procrastinated-about home improvement projects are finally done or underway, but I've managed to do next to no prep for the Elmholm premiere or GenCon...  Panic may be required sometime soon.  But in the mean time, it means I ended up skipping the Last Hope event in favor of a quiet weekend looking at butterflies, at least in part because I wanted to avoid the dreaded "pack for one event while simultaneously unpacking from another."  Also because butterflies are awesome.

It came to my attention this morning that my all my Etsy listings had expired without me notice... I've renewed the listings, so everything's back up online and it's all fine, but clearly I need to either pay closer attention or rejigger my notification settings or something...  (Related note: I'd love some feedback regarding product pricing - I may post a poll in the near future.  I'm pretty sure my prices are fair, but they are on the expensive side, especially for a new shop, so I'm wondering if my generic inventory needs to be knocked back a touch.  Thoughts?)

I'm in the process of signing up for AdSense right now (the page is open in another tab).  If I can't get ads for things I actually support/use myself (I'm hoping for LARP weapons or other such complementary goods), then I won't bother keeping them on the blog, but hopefully I'll be able to generate a little trickle of supplementary income this way.  I'm going to be doing a couple other things to create a revenue stream soon (as I threatened to do a few posts ago), pretty much all of which are cribbed from ByRegina's list "10 Non-Icky Ways to Make Money Blogging" (her blog is full of excellent advice for self-employed types, mainly focused on blogging, but there's a lot of helpful general scheduling/organizing type stuff, too).

I promise to make a better post, with topic transitions and everything, sometime soon.  Until then!

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